Unlocking 10 Powerful VR Training Benefits with SHIIFT Training

In today’s rapidly evolving training landscape, understanding the VR training benefits can be a game changer for organizations looking to enhance their learning and development strategies. As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of effective training methods, the shift toward virtual reality (VR) training emerges as a compelling solution. This innovative approach not only captivates learners but also addresses many of the challenges associated with traditional training methods. In this blog post, we will explore ten vital VR training benefits to transition and highlighting its transformative potential.

1. Unmatched Safety: A Key VR Training Benefit

One of the most significant VR training benefits is the ability to create a safe learning environment. By simulating high-risk scenarios, employees can practice crucial skills without the fear of real-world consequences. For example, a construction worker can learn to operate heavy machinery or navigate hazardous environments without putting themselves or others in danger.

This controlled setting not only boosts their confidence but also helps to embed essential skills, significantly reducing the risk of accidents in the workplace. Moreover, the safety aspect extends beyond the immediate training experience; employees can carry the knowledge and experience gained in VR into real-world situations, effectively translating their virtual practice into practical application.

At Shiift Training, we focus on creating VR training experiences that prioritize safety, particularly in high-risk industries like construction. Our simulations enable workers to engage with realistic scenarios that help them develop their skills safely and effectively. Our ammonia transfer training VR program exemplifies this safety benefit. It allows users to practice the dangerous ammonia transfer process step by step in a safe, controlled environment, aiding in memorization and muscle memory. For a closer look, check out the ammonia transfer video we produced, showcasing how VR training benefits safety.

Practicing unsafe scenarios safely: Working from height with virtual reality. VR Training benefits -Safety

VR Training Benefits – Unmatched Safety – SHIIFT Training’s ‘Working at Height’ VR Training Program

2. Remarkable Retention and Engagement: Boosting Learning Outcomes

Research shows that immersive experiences lead to improved knowledge retention, highlighting another key VR training benefit. Immersive experiences lead to improved knowledge retention. The engaging nature of virtual reality captures learners’ attention, making them more likely to remember what they have learned. By incorporating interactive scenarios and gamification elements, VR training can significantly increase engagement levels that enhance understanding of the material.

Research from PwC reveals that learners retain up to 75% of information delivered through immersive simulations, compared to just 10% from traditional lecture-based training.This remarkable retention is largely due to the hands-on, experiential learning that VR provides, allowing individuals to practice skills in a realistic setting. Additionally, the sense of presence created by VR technology makes learning enjoyable and impactful, keeping learners motivated to participate actively. For more details, refer to the findings in the PwC report.

Our Lockout Tagout (LOTO) Energy Isolation training is an excellent example of leveraging VR for retention and engagement. By immersing users in realistic energy isolation scenarios, they can practice vital skills repeatedly, ensuring that critical safety procedures are thoroughly understood and remembered. Discover more about how we took advantage of another one of these amazing benefits of VR Training to create a transformative training tool for Daikin and Kinross Gold in our case study.

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VR Training Benefits – Remarkable Retention and Engagement – SHIIFT Training’s Lockout Tagout Tryout VR Training Program

3. Instant Feedback for Mastery: Enhancing VR Training Benefits with Real-Time Assessments

Another significant advantage of VR training is the provision of real-time assessments. Instructors can monitor learners’ progress as they navigate through simulations, offering immediate feedback. This rapid reinforcement identifies areas needing improvement, ensuring that participants develop the necessary competencies more effectively. For instance, during a VR simulation of a complex machinery operation, learners can receive instant corrections on their technique, helping them refine their skills on the spot. This immediate feedback loop not only accelerates the learning process but also encourages learners to self-reflect on their performance, fostering a deeper understanding of the material. Ultimately, this dynamic assessment approach enhances the overall effectiveness of the training program, as learners can correct mistakes before they become ingrained habits.

Shiift Training is a firm believer of integrating virtual assessments and quizzes in our training applications, this effectively tests learners on what they’ve learnt and allows learning staff to identify each individual user’s flaws and skills, for a complete understanding of where a learner needs to focus. Assessments are always integrated to whichever LMS our client needs the data on, keeping it centralized with their other traditional training courses. We have used a real-time assessment approach in almost all virtual learning projects, such as our Nutrien Driver Training, Nutrien Ammonia Training, Lockout-Tagout Energy Isolation Training, James Hardie Jobsite Training, etc.

4. Cost-Effective Training Solutions: Maximizing Resources

By shifting to VR training, organizations can significantly lower costs associated with traditional methods. This includes savings on travel, materials, and instructor fees. For example, companies that previously had to send employees to remote training locations can now conduct immersive training sessions virtually, eliminating the need for travel expenses and logistics.

Additionally, VR training programs can scale easily, allowing multiple employees to engage in the same immersive experience without incurring extra expenses. This scalability is particularly beneficial for organizations with large teams or multiple locations, as it provides consistent training experiences across the board. As a result, companies not only save money but also maximize their training resources, leading to a more efficient and effective approach to employee development.

A prime example of cost savings through VR is our TMQ53 Weather Station Assembly Training, which utilizes a digital twin of all the components. This method ensures that users can practice assembling the equipment without the logistical challenges of training on expensive tools. This training saved the U.S Air Force $2,500,000 in the first 6 months alone. When the final product was presented to the air force, they were amazed to see our application tester complete the full physical process with ease after seeing and interacting with the physical equipment for the first time, he was able to shock them with how capable he was thanks to the muscle memory he gained from testing the product.

This approach ensures that users can familiarize themselves with all components of the expensive equipment without the logistical challenges associated with in-person training. More details can be found in our case study.

5. Tailored Learning Experiences: Customization is Key

Every organization has unique training needs, and VR offers a level of customization that traditional methods often lack. Training modules can be specifically designed for particular roles or scenarios, ensuring that employees receive relevant instruction that directly applies to their work context, enhancing overall training effectiveness.

For instance, a healthcare organization can create VR simulations that mimic specific medical procedures, allowing staff to practice their skills in a realistic environment tailored to their needs. This level of customization not only increases the relevance of the training but also engages learners by providing them with scenarios that they are likely to encounter in their day-to-day work. As a result, employees are more likely to feel invested in their training, leading to higher completion rates and improved performance on the job.

Our James Hardie Jobsite Training Program highlights this tailored approach by providing immersive training experiences that cater specifically to the unique safety risks faced on job sites, specifically James Hardie housing construction job sites during the cladding process. This program enhances engagement while ensuring that learners are well-prepared for real-world scenarios, and was tailored exactly as James Hardie’s safety guidelines required. For more information, visit our case study.

6. Accelerated Time to Competency: Speeding Up Skill Development

With the ability to have hands-on practice in a realistic virtual environment, learners can achieve competency faster. This efficiency leads to improved productivity and contributes to a more skilled workforce, ready to tackle challenges. For example, VR training can significantly shorten the learning curve for complex tasks, allowing employees to quickly acquire the necessary skills and knowledge required for their roles. Instead of spending weeks or months in traditional training programs, employees can gain the same level of proficiency in a fraction of the time through immersive VR experiences.

This acceleration not only benefits the individuals undergoing training but also positively impacts the organization as a whole by ensuring that teams can perform their tasks effectively and efficiently, ultimately driving business success. The University of Maryland study highlights that VR learners can complete tasks up to 50% faster than traditional learners. 

Our TMQ53 Weather Station Assembly Training as mentioned above in VR Training Benefits #4 is also a perfect example of this, as the U.S Air Force witnessed in shock when they saw first-hand how capable our tester was at something they still need regular training for themselves.

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VR Training Benefits – Accelerated Time to Competency – SHIIFT Training’s ‘TMQ53 Assembly’ VR Training Program

7. Increased Accessibility for All: Expanding Opportunities

VR training can also make learning more accessible for remote teams or employees with mobility challenges. Virtual reality can deliver training experiences to individuals who may otherwise struggle to participate, ensuring equal opportunities for learning and growth. For instance, employees in remote locations can engage in the same training modules as their peers in the office, bridging the gap between on-site and off-site training.

Additionally, VR training can accommodate diverse learning styles, providing visual, auditory, and kinesthetic experiences that cater to a wide range of learners. By breaking down geographical and physical barriers, VR training promotes inclusivity and ensures that all employees have the chance to develop their skills and advance their careers. Research from Stanford University highlights the potential of VR to create inclusive training experiences.

Our James Hardie Distracted Driving Experience exemplifies how immersive VR training enhances accessibility for all learners. By placing users in the shoes of someone facing real driving hazards, this experience creates an engaging and impactful learning environment that traditional training cannot replicate. This approach not only caters to diverse learning styles but also provides equal opportunities for individuals who may have difficulty participating in conventional training methods. By enabling users to experience and understand the consequences of distracted driving in a safe virtual setting, we promote safer behaviors and foster a more inclusive training experience. Learn more about this project in our case study.

Another example is our Lockout Tagout energy isolation training as mentioned in VR training benefits #3, this example uses voiceovers, visual cues with instructions, and hand-tracking to increase accessibility to help suit different types of learners.

8. Dynamic Collaborative Learning: Enhancing Team Skills

Virtual reality facilitates collaborative training sessions where employees can interact with one another in a shared virtual space. This teamwork fosters essential communication skills, crucial for success in many roles and contributes to a more collaborative culture within organizations. In VR, employees can engage in team-based scenarios that require them to solve problems together, make decisions, and communicate effectively. This collaborative learning experience not only enhances individual skills but also strengthens team dynamics, encouraging employees to build relationships and trust. By investing in dynamic collaborative learning, organizations can create a workforce that is better equipped to tackle challenges and achieve shared goals.

VR Training Benefits - Dynamic Collaborative Learning

VR Training Benefits – Dynamic Collaborative Learning – One of SHIIFT Training’s early multiplayer prototypes

Shiift’s DIV_R is a great example of how we took advantage of this dynamic collaborative learning for the Ministry of Defence, one of the many VR training benefits in this list. Here’s a video showcasing the multiplayer collaborative experience. It allows multiple learners to rehearse their defence diver training and immerses users in a realistic confined space, avoiding the cost of needing to create the same concepts in the real world.

9. Hands-On Familiarization with Equipment: Real-World Experience

For industries dealing with complex machinery or equipment, VR can create digital twins for hands-on practice. This allows employees to familiarize themselves with tools and systems before operating them in real life, significantly reducing the risk of mistakes and enhancing overall safety. For example, in the manufacturing sector, workers can practice assembling machinery in a virtual environment, gaining valuable insights into the components and processes involved.

This level of familiarity is especially crucial when working with expensive or sensitive equipment, as it minimizes the potential for costly errors. By providing employees with realistic, hands-on experiences in a controlled environment, organizations can ensure that their teams are well-prepared and confident when transitioning to real-world applications.

Our Venture Global LNG VR Training program is a prime example of this hands-on familiarization approach, offering users the opportunity to practice navigating complex systems in a realistic, immersive environment. This training fosters a deeper understanding of the equipment and prepares learners for real-world challenges. For more details, visit our case study.

10. Engaging Immersive Simulations: A Game Changer in Training

Finally, the immersive simulations in VR transport users to different environments and situations. From practicing emergency procedures to experiencing driving hazards, these realistic scenarios provide a level of immersion that traditional training methods cannot match, making learning more impactful and memorable. The ability to immerse learners in lifelike situations allows them to experience challenges firsthand, deepening their understanding and empathy toward various scenarios.

This engagement can lead to more profound insights and a greater sense of responsibility, as learners actively participate in their training rather than passively absorbing information. The end result is a more informed, responsible workforce equipped to handle real-world challenges effectively.

Here are some examples of Shiift projects that utilize immersion to create an incredibly engaging VR experience. On one hand we have DRIV_R which involves an immersive pre-trip and left-hand-turn interactive VR training experience, and we also have our James Hardie Driver Training which is mentioned on VR Training Benefits #7 above.


Embracing VR technology signifies a commitment to innovation and forward-thinking in training practices. Organizations that adopt VR are positioning themselves as industry leaders, attracting top talent who value modern, engaging learning experiences. As the business landscape continues to evolve, staying ahead of the curve by integrating advanced training technologies will be crucial for organizations looking to maintain a competitive edge. The future of training lies in immersive, engaging solutions that drive results, and VR is at the forefront of this revolution.

The advantages of incorporating VR training are clear and far-reaching. By leveraging these VR training benefits, organizations can create safer, more effective, and engaging learning environments that ultimately lead to a more skilled workforce. As you consider the next steps for your training programs, think about how shifting to virtual reality could transform your organization’s approach to learning and development. With its ability to enhance safety, retention, and engagement, VR training is not just a trend; it’s a powerful tool for shaping the future of employee training. VR Training benefits

Moreover, as highlighted in our post showcasing our approach with VR, organizations can create terrific training experiences that go beyond traditional methods, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development. 

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